Pet Stains and Odor Removal
Having a pet when you have carpets means extra maintenance. Pets can create different types of carpets stains from urine, dirt and shedding. Overtime the odors will be more noticeable and unpleasant. Pet odors also don’t make the best impression on guests and can cause allergy irritations.
We Clean It All
Our carpet cleaning services will remove pet stains and odors. This carpet cleaning process also disinfects to remove the source of the odors. We use only natural eco-friendly cleaning solutions for carpet odor removal. This helps protect your health as well as your pet’s health.
Pet care tip
Having an entrance mat can help maintain your carpets. Pets wipe their feet here and this minimizes the amount transferred to your carpets. If you pet has an accident in the house, they are more likely to go on the entrance mat. They associate the entrance mat with going for a walk since it is close to the door.